mardi 24 octobre 2017

Esteban Hernandez & Margarita Aguado Travail 20/10/2017

Sensor Light


1. Description du senseur électronique 

  The digital sensor we used detected light and asigned a number between 0-233 according to the amount it detected.

2. Description de l'expérience physique et mesure à réaliser.

 We used a recipient with water and the light sensor to evaluate the dispersion of light throw the material. For the measurements we use a simple montage in which the amount of water (distance from light source to sensor) was our variable.

3. Mise en place du senseur + montage +code

 Code:                                        Montage:

4. Mesure réalisée

 In this graph you can see in Y the amount of light received by the sensor and in X the distance created by the water.

5. Analyse de la mesure réalisée

As we can see in the graph when there is a smaller distance of water between the souce and the sensor Arduino registered higher amounts of light and viceversa. This relation can be reflected by many factors like the transparency of the water, for the experiment we use colorant to make results more visible. 

6. Conclusion

Light is an energy resource that can be use to purify water, however we are not always conscious of the dispersion that occures. Light can easily pass through gases like the ones we find in the atmosphere, but a material like water has a mayor recistance. This process called light dispersion can be affected by the cualities of the material it passes through. It will be harder for light to pass through a darker water.